Inventory made easy with accurate results

Make the right decisions more often with the transparent inventory of the future

A powerful automated inventory platform

Avoid manual inventory and expensive consultant invoices. With LumberScan's inventory system, you can easily inventory your raw material stocks quickly and accurately.

  • Round timber

    LumberScan manages groupings of Assortment, Saw Classes and other product definitions that the user himself controls.

  • Wood chips

    Manage stacked products with different conversion numbers for packing degrees and replacement numbers.

  • Recycled paper

    Have full control over your stock of recycled fiber and place the right orders at the right time to secure your production.

Next generation logyard inventory

Unleash the potential of today's automated and powerful calculations via our easy-to-use inventory platform


Superior measurement results. Every timber pile and chip stack is measured at hundreds of points with centimeter precision using drone technology. Occupational safety is improved when you inventory from a safe location and avoid being in the dangerous environment of the timber yard.

āœ“ Safe working environment

āœ“ Accurate results

āœ“ Traceable calculations


Drone inventory requires no production stops. A 15-minute scan of the area instead of a 3-hour manual process. Efficient workflow results in increased inventory frequency, thus providing better figures for production planning and financial reporting.

āœ“ Take control of the inventories

āœ“ Efficiency in inventory management

āœ“ Harness the power of automation through our algorithms


The inventory data is easy to analyze, easy to share, and easy to integrate into other systems.

āœ“ Availability of data

āœ“ Increased transparency

āœ“ Full control for all stakeholders

OurĀ step-by-step-strategy

To conduct an inventory with LumberScan, all you need is a drone and access to a web browser.


Conducting the actual inventory (autonomous flight) and capturing data.


The industry uses its existing staff or hires third parties for flying.

The Lumberscan platform

The operator then uploads the material to the platform to create the inventory report.


The inventory report with detailed volumes divided by products and product groups is easily reported in the platform and easily shared via Excel.

Discover the impact of drone scans for timber inventory

Experience the power of LumberScan: Turn automated inventory into accurate 3D models for fast, transparent and self-managed stock control.

Questions and answers

  • The inventory process is performed semi-automatically using drones and calculation algorithms. The volumes are measured directly in high-resolution 3D models of reality. This means that you remove the human factor from the inventory process and in this way you get coherent inventory results that do not depend on who has carried out the measurements themselves.

    The method is generally faster and since the raw material is measured several hundred times, sometimes several thousand times, the measurements have a higher resolution.

    In addition, the person carrying out the inventory can always be in a safe place during the inventory process. In contrast to a traditional manual inventory where the executor is forced to be in a dangerous work environment.

  • LumberScan has been integrated with GPS Timber to further speed up the inventory process.

    Otherwise, LumberScan is ready for integration with business systems and other warehouse systems.

  • A normal-sized sawmill takes about 15 minutes in the field and 20 minutes in post-processing. In between, our algorithms need to work for about half an hour. You can therefore have an inventory in hand in just over an hour from start to finish.

    This can be compared to the fact that the corresponding sawmill was inventoried by two people in 3 hours using manual methods

  • Primarily, it is about direct security. Timber yards and storage areas with truck traffic and timber trucks are classified as a high-risk environment. The performer of a LumberScan inventory does not have to be among timber stacks and timber trucks, but can perform the entire inventory from a safe location. In this way, we reduce the entire workplace's risk exposure.

    In addition, the efficient inventory makes the operator's work day easier, it is much easier to complete an inventory that one person can do on their own in just one hour, compared to an inventory that takes 3 hours for two people. This contributes to a less stressful work environment.

  • According to our customers, the simplicity of the system means that there are much lower thresholds for carrying out inventories compared to before. Our customers have often taken back the inventory task from an external party and this also means that it is easier to take inventory when necessary and you don't have to wait for the availability of an external actor.

    The customers have appreciated that the inventory is easy to perform and maintains high quality, so they have therefore wanted to perform it more often.

    Our payment model is also built so that you can inventory as often as you want, as we primarily work with fixed costs regardless of how much you inventory.

Success stories from our customers

"Since we switched to LumberScan, we have increased the availability of the sawmill by 3 hours per month. That availability is worth large sums in our business.ā€

- Tobias Johansson


Are you ready for accurate stock reports with Lumberscan?

With LumberScan, we solve all the problems that traditional methods struggle with.

The team behind Lumberscan

We have combined cutting-edge expertise in forestry and IT to deliver a world-class product.

Christoffer Eldskott

CEO & Sales North American market

Alexander Harald

Sales International market

Marcus Lundberg

Sales Nordic market

Karl Forsman

Founder and Product Manager

Magnus Wahlberg

Founder and CTO

Karl Suikki

Lead developer